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Initiatives and Goals

What are Community Initiatives and Goals?

CNY Vitals would like to celebrate local initiatives that address our common struggles by featuring them and sharing their results on the website.  The following links will take you to initiatives and goals related to each subject area.  The initiatives and goals here meet a few criteria (if you think you have an initiative that would fit here please contact us at so we can include it!):

  • They are initiatives and ventures that are collaborative in nature
  • They are data-driven initiatives
  • They have some element of involvement from the public/client/constituents
  • They include transparent metrics and evaluation (we can share their results)

Arts, Culture, and Recreation Initiatives and Goals

Civic Engagement Initiatives and Goals

Demographics Initiatives and Goals

Economy Initiatives and Goals

Education Initiatives and Goals

Environment, Transportation, and Planning Initiatives and Goals

Housing Initiatives and Goals

Human Services and Health Initiatives and Goals

Public Safety Initiatives and Goals