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Initiatives and Goals

CNY Vitals would like to celebrate local initiatives that address education by featuring them and sharing their results on our website.  The initiatives and goals here meet a few criteria (if you think you have an initiative that would fit here please contact us at so we can include it!):

  • They are initiatives and ventures that are collaborative in nature
  • They are data-driven initiatives
  • They have some element of involvement from the public/client/constituents
  • They include transparent metrics and evaluation (we can share their results)


Syracuse is part of the Campaign for Grade Level Reading. A primary goal of this project is to increase the percent of children who read on grade level by grade 3. Learn more about the Campaign for Grade Level Reading:

Please note that the test was changed in 2011. Test years are named for the beginning of the school year so 2012 is the 2012-2013 school year and 2013 is the 2013-2014 school year.):