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Exports and Export Intensity

What does this indicator measure?

This indicator is a measure of the 2009 total number of exports, export intensity, and type of exports in the Syracuse, Albany, Buffalo, and Rochester Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA’s).  Where applicable the indicator is also presented for the United States and all Metro Areas.

Exports are uniquely important for promoting economic growth; certain U.S. metros are positioned better than others to benefit from exports’ potential. We focus on two types of exports: services exports and goods exports. Services exports, such as architectural or engineering consulting, legal or financial services, and royalties, are an often-overlooked source of competitive advantage. Regional productivity depends on the local stock of knowledge capital that positively develops through increased contact between domestic actors and their counterparts in international research and business communities. Goods exports, such as automobiles or auto parts, potatoes, chemicals, or raw materials, are items produced, grown, extracted, or processed. –explanation courtesy of the Brookings Institute