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English Regents Scores

What does this indicator measure?

This is a measure of the percentage of students, by cohort, who scored 65% or better (65% is the minimum passing grade) on the English Regents exam.   A cohort consists of the group of students who entered 9th grade in a particular year, and all ungraded students with disabilities who reached their seventeenth birthday in that year, and were enrolled in the district for five months.

Students are able to retake the Regents exam if they do not pass.  The 2003-2007 cohorts are listed because all the students in these cohorts have reached graduation, and thus we have the truest statistic for the percentage of students who passed the regents exam.

Students must take a Math Regents, English Language Arts Regents, Science Regents, and 2 Social Studies Regents (Global History and Geography; US History and Government), in order to graduate with a Regents Diploma.