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Environment, Transportation, and Planning

Environment, Transportation, and Planning

Average Travel Time to Work

What does this indicator measure?

This indicator measures and compares the average travel time to work for workers 16 years of age and older who do not work at home.  This measure is presented for Onondaga County, Onondaga County compared to several other similar, Upstate counties, and for different modes of transportation as well.

Average commute time is defined by the US Census as the average travel time to work of those 16 years and over who do not work at home. Commutes to and from work affect numerous aspects of an individual’s daily life. Having a shorter travel time can lead to increased productivity, more rest and higher morale. Shorter commutes to and from work can be an attractive selling point for potential homebuyers in Onondaga County.

The average commute time to work in Onondaga County has remained significantly below the state and the nation. While there is an upward trend for both New York State and the United States, the commute times have been fairly consistent for Onondaga County.