New upgrades to CNYVitals are coming soon. Stay tuned!
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Discover an abundance of information about Onondaga County on CNY Vitals! You can access the information several ways:

Subject AreasSelect a Subject Area below and explore what indicators interest you.

Community Initiatives and Goals Select “Initiatives and Goals” from the Links section of the home page, or the appropriate Subject Area, and view current initiatives and goals in Onondaga County by Subject Area.

Reports Select “Reports” from the Links section of the home page to view various reports published on local issues, initiatives, and research.


Once you have found indicators and data that are useful to you, click on the appropriate icon in the side bar to download a spreadsheet for further analysis.

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If you have data, research, or reports that you would like to contribute to this collaborative process, please contact us at

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CNY Vitals is a unique community indicators website developed by many partners dedicated to improving the quality of life for those who live and work in Central New York. Within Subject Areas users will find a robust set of data and indicators concerning Onondaga County and the region. This dynamic and interactive website provides a central clearinghouse for data from many sources, many of which were not previously available online. Indicator Teams made up of volunteers, from many disciplines across the region, will improve and update indicators at regular intervals. In the days to come, we plan to add Madison County and other counties either directly or through the websites and projects they have developed.  Welcome to CNY Vitals 1.0!  Learn more